Monday, May 28, 2012


We got back into Winnipeg at 11:30 last night after a full day of traveling, getting up at 3:30 am Costa Rican time (4:30 am Winnipeg time). It was a cool 10°C at home, which was quite the contrast to the high 30°s C weather we had in Costa Rica. 

It's good to be home and to see our little monsters. They seemed to miss us....and their dinner....they might have been happier to get their dinner ;)

So now for me it's back to volunteering at the Winnipeg Humane Society. There the rabbits come and go, but at the Sanctuary we grew attached to the sloths in our section day by day. It was great to see them get to know us over the time we were there - from when they just acknowledged us bringing them their food, to when they were eager to come greet us.

It's a place I'd love to go back to. We'd see the babies grown to juveniles and the juveniles grown to adults. How different will they look and how will their personalities have changed? I guess the answers will have to wait for a potential future vacation.

If anyone else is interested in volunteering there, you can find the details here.

end of line.

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