During nursery time today, Mike and I passed on playing with the babies. Instead, I took out Arthur - yes, my favorite :) We took a walk together...well, I walked while carrying him and he sniffed everything around him. He took a turn playing on the jungle gym and got to have some hibiscus flower. Then he wanted cuddles again, so off we went for another walk.
Mike took Buttercup for a walk. She was the first sloth that Judy ever took in. Unofficially, she is the world's most photographed sloth and even has her own Facebook page. She is so trusting of people, that when you hold her, she is not holding onto you at all - except for the fact that she has to be holding your hand. Awww.
There hasn't been any rain here for the past couple of days, so there is high humidity on top of the hot temperatures. So for most of our downtime today, we sat in hammocks along the creek. Such a nice breeze flows through...
We also got in a couple of games of pool.
And after our work day was done, a bunch of us went to Cahuita for drinks.
Finally, around dinner time it started to cloud over and then rain. Ahhh. Between the cool air and the sound of rain, we should get a good nights sleep :)
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