Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 6 - Our Day Off

We get one day off a week and Mike and I chose today for this week. So, we turned off our alarms last night, ready to sleep in. We did, but it was only for 15 minutes. We both woke up at 5:30 am wide awake. So we started our day off with breakfast and then walked out to the road to hop on the bus to Cahuita.

There is a national park in Cahuita that has a hiking trail along the coastline that is 8.3 km in length - one way. Mike and I did there and back for a total of 16.6 km. It was a great walk and since we got there early enough, it didn't start getting too hot until about the last quarter of the walk. 

There was lots of wildlife. Watch your step.....trails of ants all working as a collective....

Two types of monkeys, howler and white faced. At first we just saw howler's in a tree a little ways away. But then, on one of our pit stops along the beach underneath an almond tree, a half eaten almond landed beside me with slightly more force than I would have expected. Looking up I saw three monkeys looking down at me, eating almonds, which they kept tossing at us. Do they know Mike is allergic?

Later on we had white faced monkeys all around us. They are definitely desensitized to humans.

And what blog post would be complete without a picture of a sloth? We saw a female bradypus (notice the lack of a patch on her back) just hanging out. She was camouflaged so well I walked right past her. Good thing Mike saw her.

After our long walk it was lunchtime, so we stopped off at Coco's for a light snack and some drinks. I had a mojito again.

It came with a toy for Michael.

At the bar, we had front row seats to 4 different marching bands - one police and three school. There was a big festival going on to commemorate some sort of anniversary. 

We got back to the sanctuary in time for dinner and some relaxing. We're now gonna watch a movie and then go to bed. After all, we do have to work tomorrow ;)

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